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Rolls of poker chips

Reloads of poker chips in rolls of 25 chips each that you can buy in our shop at the best of the prices.

There are 26 products.

Showing 1-26 of 26 item(s)

Sale of rolls of poker chips 

On sale poker chips for recharges of 25 units each, with which you can complete your team in the absence of certain values that you have missed during the game. You can choose between the different types of token and at the same time between the available models of each of them.

Reloads of poker chips

We put at your disposal recharges of poker chips in various types and a multitude of models, as well as ABS chips with a weight per chip of 11.5 gr, Clay chips with a weight of 14.5 gr or ceramic chips of 10 gr.

Abs chips, more suitable for groups that want to start in the game of poker. Clay chips, of higher quality for their weight and handling sensations similar to casino chips. And the ceramic chipsof the highest quality and that are at a professional level.

They are different qualities, without belittling any of them, since meets the minimum characteristics ideal to start your poker-room. It is a matter of tastes and demands that you opt for one type of chips or another.

In this section, you will find the chip model that you are looking for to complete your team. Poker chips in its widest range, we are a store specializing in this great and popular game.

Mas detalles sobre los tipos de fichas de poker

ABS Poker Chips rolls:

The most affordable and with a great result in terms of quality. Ideal for beginners and even great players use them too.

They are 11.5 gr weight chips, made of ABS and with a great diversity of models. From chips with no value (you can assign them the corresponding color value), to chips with value in different designs.

Clay poker chips rolls:

These medium quality chips are highly recommended. The leap in quality is obvious and it is worth it for a little more money, as long as one can afford it.

They are 14 gr Clay-type chips, a mixture of clay and ABS. The sensations when you have them in your hand are very good. Pleasant to the touch and quite similar in appearance to ceramic ones.

Ceramic poker chips rolls:

These chips are placed in the elite of poker chips. Made with stone materials, they will make their use, the enjoyment you will get when handling them on the table.

They are 10 gr chips, used mostly by casinos and professionals, which is representative of their level of quality. Without a doubt we are talking about superior quality poker chips with which you will stand out in how many timbas you organize.

Actualización: 17/12/2024